| Sector | abcEducation And Research Institute | Tender Value | N.A. | Location | Telangana - India | Ref.No | 79986765 | Closing Date | 22 - Feb - 2025 | | | Supply of Process technology document or Quality assurance plan for melting of gamma Titanium Aluminide ingots as per DMRL specification Annexute-I, Gamma Titanium Aluminide, DMR GA 5 alloy of 250 mm diameter as per DMRL specification Annexute-I, Gamma Titanium Aluminide, DMR GA 6 alloy ingots of 150 mm diameter as per DMRL specification Annexute-I, Gamma Titanium Aluminide, DMR GA 6 alloy ingot of 250 mm diameter as per DMRL specification Annexute-I, Gamma Titanium Aluminide, DMR GA 12 alloy ingots of 150 mm diameter as per DMRL specification Annexute-I Qty25 |
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